1. Social Skills
•Get along with people (講是非算唔算呢?)
•Often work on their own (咁咪好自閉?)
•Strong leadership qualities (這個我不太有喎…)
•Strong in selling ideas, products and so on (sell野我最渣…買野我在行啲…)
•Good mentors
–Never felt inferior despite lack of academic achievement (點頭點頭…這個簡直係非名校生的佳音…)
–Being encouraged to take leadership roles in school (真係要lead啊?﹗我無乜呢方面本事啊…)
2.Orientation toward critics
•They often criticized for being different and don't follow the crowd (我成日將自己小眾化喎…)
•Ignoring the criticism of detractors (唔覆email和避電話算唔算呢?)
•Having a competitive spirit or personality (哎呀,我最怕死爭爛爭的…)
•Having the urge to be well respected (我咁自閉,會有人respect我嗎?)
•Having extraordinary energy (orz…我常常唔夠瞓…)
3. Integrity and moral values
•Being honest with all people (咁我咪唔可以再八掛人家了嗎?)
•To tell one lie, one needs to tell fifteen more to cover up the first lie (呢個係呀,講大話滾的雪求仲勁過信用卡卡數的…)
•Having a supportive spouse (包二奶的時候又真係要講幾多大話既…)
•Having a strong religious faith (oh,唔可以信自己了嗎?如像我信自己,深深的相信你…~~~)
4. Creative intelligence
•Seeing opportunities others do not see (這就是「別人笑我太瘋癲,我笑他人看不穿」嗎?)
•Finding a profitable niche and Specializing (八婆和二打六哲學會是一片藍海嗎?我只有這些強項…)
•Loving current career or business (想到自己投放了的時間和努力,雖然好些重要範疇是不盡如意的,不過…不得講句,我真是頗喜歡現下的工作的…)
5. Investing the stock market or one's own business
•Tend to be more realistic about stock market (唉…我就係太實際,所以唔敢涉足股票市場囉…我明燈呀﹗)
•View it as one of many places to invest their money (唔敢玩呀,我怕死…)
•Investing in the equities of public corporations (即係主打攻痕身指數成份股嗎?)
•Having excellent investment advisers (係,朋友中少不免要有幾個銀行大亨界的﹗)
•Making wise investments (自以為好wise,人家看可能好stupid呢…)
•Being their own boss (話咁易咩…)
•Willing to take financial risk given the right return (回帶:我真係比較怕死的…)
•Living below their means (我常洗腦話自己好窮架…)
6. Luck VS Discipline
•Luck does play some role in their economic success, but most derives form proactive behavior (幸運到底太難捉摸了…)
•Being well disciplined (淨係準時起身我日已衰咗了…)
•Figure out productive ways to reach the target (小的從小最唔鐘意做就係被時間表限死…)
•Make course changes or corrections only when they will be productive in reaching goals (呢個學緊啦,止蝕位係好重要的﹗)
•Being very well organized (你估話咁易咩…盡力啦…)
•Working harder than most people (這個,咁我應該比冗員努力既…哈哈…)
Result from college experience
•Most millionaires were being labeled as OTTAG--other than talented and gifted (太醒的人有時聰明反被聰明誤的…)
•Label doesn't mean anything, teachers often use the wrong criteria to make prediction (考試真的唔會決定一個人成功與否絕對因素,係真架﹗)
•Millionaires believe that economic success comes from hard work but not from having genetic high intellect as labels come and go (這句很令人振奮﹗)
•Process of overcoming label makes the recipients stronger (我有得到過甚麼label嗎?)
Courage and wealth
•Courage to take risk (我無…)
•Economic risk taking is a requirement for becoming financially independent (這個…我都想…)
•Learn how to motivate oneself constantly to counter fear with courage (要去海邊被浪打嗎?)
•Luck is something uncontrollable like weather and competition (咁又係,與其依賴啲虛無既野,不如靠自己盡三份人事囉…)
•Significant correlation between willingness to take financial risk and net worth (回帶:理財方面…本人真的很怕死的…)
•Most never gamble—the risk takers are not likely to be gambler (咦,這個我很有條件喎…)
•The time and money allocated to play lottery can be spent on more productive activities (我咁明燈,賭親錢都輸,賭乜鬼丫…)
Keys to reduce risk—seek opinions
•Strong positive correlation between finding good adviser and wealth accumulation(係,聽過好多人講有錢人係請人幫佢manage財產,唔係自己攪的…)
•Millionaires have at least three investment advisers (真係起碼3個咁少?)
•Built-in checks and balances (呢個好複雜喎…)
•40% of millionaires with SAT scores of 1400 and over use advisers (我沒考這個喎…)
•60% of those in the 1000 to 1200 rage regularly consult with skilled advisers (都話無考囉…)
•High analytical intellect does not necessarily guarantee a high level of practical intelligence (其實有時我覺得分析呢個term好虛無…)
Keys to reduce risk—positive thinking
•Always think success, never think failure (即係自我強大化嗎?)
•Develop a strong belief in yourself (再加自我感覺良好?)
•Lacking of self-confidence is difficult to become successful (自我強大化+自我感覺良好=自信=>成功?)
•Hard to be motivated-->Think big (諗起我好似有本關於thing big的書未看﹗)
•Practical and creative intellect (終於有個範疇本人比較有可能達到了…)
Keys to reduce risk
•Sharing concerns with spouse (﹗)
•Stable marriage (﹗﹗)
•Exercising regularly (﹗﹗﹗)
•Defeating fear by attacking it (﹗﹗﹗﹗自信的人係唔怕人家無聊的攻擊架﹗)
•Religious faith (信仰確能令無助的人心靈有倚靠)
Economic productivity
•Ways to enhance the productivity of millionaires' household (成日覺得名豪的富翁不及隱形富豪來得有錢)
–Having furniture refinished instead of buying new (美國啲富豪真係咁低調的嗎?)
–Switching long-distance telephone companies
–Never buying from telephone solicitations
–Having shoes resoled or otherwise repaired
–Using discounting coupons when shopping
–Buying household supplies in bulk
•Clipping coupons (呢啲又唔難做喎…)
•Made maps of the interiors
–Included names and location of each category of product
–Made two copies
•One for weekly shopping list
•One for planning templates
General public
•More than 2/3 grocery store shopper are impulse buyer (impulse buying 確係危險﹗)
•Shop without a list or plan (諗住行個圈通常都會出血收場架﹗)
•The more time spends, the more money one spends (太神了﹗行得耐又係中招度極高﹗)
•Buy things they may not need (呢個都唔使講啦…)
•Old-fashioned orientation (回帶:又真係咁低調嗎?)
–Buy homes and tend to hold on to them for long periods of times
–Strong tendency to stay put
•Moving away from clients, patients, customers, or key suppliers would have significant negative influence on the productivity of our enterprises
•Preparing to move can be extremely disruptive

係咪奇怪緊點解有大段summary打到出來呢?不用奇,copy & paste之嘛,都說「因緣際會」才看這本書,咁有心機打(不過幾年後的我spot到好多錯處和怪處…)出呢,交功課呀﹗﹗﹗
我真係唔多睇呢類書. 總覺得講埋d 呀媽係女人or 根本同我個情況好唔同的野.
回覆刪除我的建議係唔好嘥錢買咁多呢類書, 就可以快人一步, 理想達到.
你的感嘆號好搞笑, exercise regularly 我都要打!
1st Aug 2008 09:42 AM
一睇我咁懶就知我無regular exercise架啦…除非追車和打字都算係運動啦…
1st Aug 2008 14:10 PM
「Having furniture refinished instead of buying new (美國啲富豪真係咁低調的嗎?)」
回覆刪除睇過本解構英國人嘅書,話屋企啲家具如果都係新嘅,就表示出身麻麻。因為啲upper class嘅人,啲檯檯椅椅係代代相傳有歷史架喎。
1st Aug 2008 10:16 AM
1st Aug 2008 14:12 PM
其中最貼身的係買野吧? 而且好易衝動下買D 好貴o既野(例如相機、電腦、甚至車和樓...),所以有云「無事出街少破財」也~
1st Aug 2008 10:27 AM
1st Aug 2008 14:13 PM
仁兄impulse buying 是買車和樓, 我要對你刮目相看了. 我想介紹我的女性朋友俾你識了.
刪除1st Aug 2008 15:10 PM
4th Aug 2008 09:15 AM
1st Aug 2008 12:45 PM
特質既野因人而異啦,不過一早裝備自己,只要機會一到就可以發圍呢個就應該applied to大部份既成功人士既…
刪除1st Aug 2008 14:14 PM
回覆刪除嘩......呢類書我真係少睇,硬係提唔起勁圯睇呢d xx之道......
1st Aug 2008 13:26 PM
1st Aug 2008 14:15 PM