

CityU leaps 20 places to 178th in global rankings
By Regina Lau

City University of Hong Kong has shot up the rankings of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions, according to The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES).

The University leapt 20 places from 198th last year to 178th this year in the Times Higher Education 2005 World University Rankings released this week.

CityU is one of four universities in Hong Kong in the top 200. It broke into the list of the top 100 technology universities for the first time and is ranked 90th. It is one of the four local universities ranked in the top 100 social science universities.

The THES findings confirm that CityU has attained international recognition in both teaching and research.

“This is a boost for us to have our excellence in teaching and research recognized again by the Times Higher Education Supplement,” said Professor H K Chang, CityU President.

“We are especially encouraged by the fact that CityU has leapt 20 places. We will continue to maintain our position as an outstanding university in the region,” Professor Chang said.

Professor Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education, said the results of the survey acknowledged CityU’s achievements in the past year.

“Being placed in the top 200 of the world’s top universities is clear recognition from the international academic community that CityU is one of the top four universities in Hong Kong. This is recognition of the marvelous achievements of all our colleagues over the years,” Professor Ho said.

The rankings are based on the results of a survey of 2,375 academics from across the world that combine peer review, the number of times research papers are cited by academics, staff-to-student ratios, the number of staff and students from overseas, and views from international employers.

城大遊記2009鳥語花香升級版  31/08/09
我的商場大學  18/5/07
城大遊記 5/10/06



睡美人 古巨基
作曲:陳台證 填詞:林夕 編曲:陳台證

電話的兩邊 充滿蜜語甜言 我的聲音 會為你充電
你說看看窗邊 有顆流星出現 你說睜開雙眼 才能保持不眠
明天 星期天 我們總會相見 別浪費時間 你要早點睡
保住最美容顏 要和你做對快樂神仙 在掛斷話前say goodbye
每一聲都有我對你的愛 不要作個賴皮的小無賴 看天亮就快來
say one and two and three and four and five
一直數呀數 數到滿一百 我會送你甜蜜的goodnight 明天擁抱入懷




第四晚心情 郭富城  
詞:周禮茂 曲/編:倫永亮

望妳在眼睛 望妳在眼睛 情念怎麼可以平靜? 
第四夜結識 為妳便心傾 無奈愛意未能說清
還是要告訴妳 無論怎麼反應 心跳呼吸也不鎮定
人為妳鍾情 原諒我痴情 原諒我心急將心意傾
知否,在今夜心聲? 知否,第四晚心情? 知否,在等待一聲? 
望妳傾側的背影 不想在今天夢醒 但妳在看星 但妳在看星 懷內心思可有拿定? 
願妳讓我知 願妳亦感應 無恨愛意為誰去傾 流著最美笑意 然後妳已默認 
祈望再應承 投入我生命 投入我一生的溫馨 願妳一生的背影 天天伴身邊望星

強 郭富城    
曲: 雷頌德 詞: 林振強 編: 雷頌德

需跨多少個山 漫漫長路與海 方可真正覓到心裏精彩
需經多少次哀 幾多的障礙賽 才勝利會換來
不知幾番跌到 旁人斜視喝采 很不好過但我衝剌不改
只因心中記緊 當天可敬父親 說信我會精彩
強人是你 能飛天遁地 其實你了不起 假使你永不說不能做到
強人是你 能頂天立地 如敗倒 再掙起 永沒言死 才是活著的真理
曾垂頭萬次 仍抬頭又次 再戰再創這生意義 無忘慈父那 從前留下句子



Goodbye Girl David Gates

All your life you've waited for love to come and
stay and now that I have found you you must not slip away.
I know its hard believing the words you've heard before,
but darling you must trust them this once more.
Because baby, goodbye doesn't mean forever.
Let me tell ya goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again.
If you wake up and I'm not there I won't be long away
'cause the things you do my goodbye girl will bring me back to you.
I know you've been taken afraid to hurt again.
You fight the love you feel for me instead of giving in.Well,
I can wait forever for helping to see that I was meant for you and you for me.
So remember goodbye doesn't mean forever.
Let me tell ya goodbye doesn't mean we'll never be together again.
Though we maybe so far apart, you still would have my heart.
So forget your past, my goodbye girl 'cause now your home at last.

情書 張學友
曲:戚小戀 詞:姚若龍 編:黃韻仁

妳瘦了憔悴得讓我好心疼 有時候愛情比時間還殘忍 把人變得盲目
而奮不顧身忘了愛 要兩個同樣 用心的人
妳醉了脆弱得藏不住淚痕 我知道絕望比冬天還寒冷 妳恨自己是個
怕孤獨的人 偏偏又愛上自由自私的靈魂
妳帶著他唯一寫過的情書 想証明當初愛得並不糊塗
他曾為了你的逃離頹廢痛苦 也為了 破鏡重圓 抱著你哭
哦~ 可惜愛不是幾滴眼淚 幾封情書 哦~ 這樣的話 或許有點殘酷
等待著別人 給幸福的人 往往 過得都不怎麼 幸福
哦~ 可惜愛不是忍著眼淚 留著情書 哦~ 傷口清醒 要比昏迷痛楚
緊閉著雙眼 又拖著錯誤 真愛 來臨時你要怎麼 留得住



Holiday 陳曉東

(讀白 : 唉...成日開工....)
天天工作極忙亂 思想不懂去運算 也失去能源 沒中心去兜圈
發覺理想未如願 亂闖一番也未遠 你要休息再可打算
Everybody needs a holiday 也請你 要給靈魂認購一張戲飛
Everybody needs a holiday 去吸氣 最瘋癲派對內再度重遇你
風都可以是甜味 只差想通這道理 那感覺神奇 像身體正飄飛
你有你生命權力 若不更改這定理 會變不懂笑的機器

簡約主義 陳曉東
曲:方樹樑 詞:梁芷珊 編:方樹樑/鍾世英

沉默不語不等於沒有感覺沒有主見 平凡淡然不是沒在意 是不想刻意
平淡自然不等於未夠深刻 未夠真摯 不必口述我真心 留待你來發現
甜蜜說話 狂熱故事 末世的坊間不斷在流傳 然而平實戀愛 重新發現
不要相信假象謊言 沉迷一天半天 簡約主義方是靈驗 歸於最自然
實在不必欺騙 亦沒一點必要改變 盟誓諾言不等於絕對真心 絕對不變
不必出動我的天 情共愛才兌現 不要相信假象謊言 
沉迷一天半天 簡約主義方是靈驗 歸於最自然

這就是生活(C'est la Vie) 陳曉東
曲:方樹樑 詞:周耀輝 編:方樹樑/鍾世英

總有別人永遠最愛自己 總有誰人永遠拒人萬里
總有別人當這世界已死 還是繼續愛理不理 La Hoo... La Hoo...
總有別人愛製作是與非 總有誰人會對我生氣
總有別人愛我愛到要死 難到我又愛理不理
末世紀 憑心的感覺做自己 我不玩把戲 Woo... C'est la vie
總算如意 活出點意思 Woo... C'est la vie 生活如意 活出點意思
總有事情永遠叫我記起 總有其人信我會成大器 
總有事情教我跌了再起 難道我又愛理不理